Resumos da matéria e exercícios resolvidos de todas as disciplinas do 9º ano de escolaridade:

Português, Inglês, Matemática, Ciências Naturais, FQ, Francês, História, Geografia.

Exames e testes intermédios.

Used to/ be used to/ get used used to

Complete the following dialogues with the verbs in brackets in the correct tense (used to/ be used to/ get used used to).

1)  A: _______________________ (you/play) basketball when you were a child?
B: No, I _______________________ (play) football.

2) A: You are a great student. ________________________________ (you/study) hard?
B: Yes. I ________________________________ (study) two hours a day.

3) A: Where  ________________________________ (they/meet) when they were dating?
B: They ________________________________ (get) together at the nearest cafe.

4) A: You have changed job, haven’t you?
B: Yes, but I still have to ________________________________ (work) shifts.

5) A: Do you like this music?
B: I’m not sure. I __________________________________ (not/listen) to this type of music.

6) A: Do you like living in Japan?
B: Yes, I do. But I still have to __________________________________ the constant earthquakes.

7) A: Do you think you would ________________________________ (live) abroad?
B: I don’t know. It isn’t easy to  __________________________________ some climates.

8)  A: _______________________ (she/cook) for her husband when she was married?
B: I don’t think so, because he soon _______________________ (prepare) his own meals.


1)  A: Did you use to play basketball when you were a child?
B: No, I used to play football.

2) A: You are a great student. Are you used to studying hard?
B: Yes. I am used to studying two hours a day.

3) A: Where did they use to meet when they were dating?
B: They used to get together at the nearest café.

4) A: You have changed job, haven’t you?
B: Yes, but I still have to get used to working shifts.

5) A: Do you like this music?
B: I’m not sure. I am not used to listening to this type of music.

6) A: Do you like living in Japan?
B: Yes, I do. But I still have to get used to the constant earthquakes.

7) A: Do you think you would get used to living abroad?
B: I don’t know. It isn’t easy to get used to some climates.

8)  A: Did she use to cook for her husband when she was married?
B: I don’t think so, because he soon got used to preparing his own meals.

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