Resumos da matéria e exercícios resolvidos de todas as disciplinas do 9º ano de escolaridade:

Português, Inglês, Matemática, Ciências Naturais, FQ, Francês, História, Geografia.

Exames e testes intermédios.

Quantificadores - Quantifiers

Exercise 1:
Choose the appropriate quantifier for each gap.

a) We have _______________________ (none / no) milk in the fridge, Mum. Can I go and buy _______________________ (much / some)?

b) Lucy has _______________________ (many / a lot of) posters on her bedroom wall. I love them.

c) _______________________ (Neither / No) of the boys showed up at the party.

d) There are _______________________ (a few / few) holes in his pullover. You can’t go on wearing it.

e) I would like to buy _______________________ (some / any) new gym outfits. I have  _______________________ (none / few) left.

f) The girls went shopping together but didn’t buy _______________________ (any / no) clothing.

Exercise 2:
Complete the gaps with an appropriate quantifier.

a) _______________________ student has to do an oral presentation in the 11th year.

b) Have you seen _______________________ of my rings? I can’t find them.

c) On Sunday I love staying at home and watching _______________________ football matches on TV.

d) I cannot decide which of the two boys to date. _______________________ is a perfect match for me.

e) I wish I could invite _______________________ friends for my birthday dinner.

f) _______________________ one knows her secret but we would like to know what actually happened.

Exercise 3:
Find and correct the mistake(s) in each sentence.

a) I hate watching few programmes on TV. They are disgusting.

b) Mum asked if we could donate some book for the fair.

c) There are any eggs in the fridge, so I can’t make that cake you like so much.

d) This autumn I went to several park in Britain.

e) Lois told a pack of lie about her.

f) These programmes are based on a few real life story.

Exercise 1:

a) We have no milk in the fridge, Mum. Can I go and buy some?
b) Lucy has a lot of posters on her bedroom wall. I love them.
c) Neither of the boys showed up at the party.
d) There are a few holes in his pullover. You can’t go on wearing it.
e) I would like to buy some new gym outfits. I have none left.
f) The girlswent shopping together but didn’t buy any clothing.

Exercise 2:

a) Each student has to do an oral presentation in the 11th year.
b) Have you seen any of my rings? I can’t find them.
c) On Sunday I love staying at home and watching some football matches on TV.
d) I cannot decide which of the two boys to date. Both is a perfect match for me.
e) I wish I could invite a lot of friends for my birthday dinner.
f) No one knows her secret but we would like to know what actually happened.

Exercise 3:

a) I hate watching few programmes on TV. They are disgusting.
I hate watching some programmes on TV. They are disgusting.
b) Mum asked if we could donate some book for the fair.
Mum asked if we could donate some books for the fair.
c) There are any eggs in the fridge, so I can’t make that cake you like so much.
There are no eggs in the fridge, so I can’t make that cake you like so much.
d) This autumn I went to several park in Britain.
This autumn I went to several parks in Britain.
e) Lois told a pack of lie about her.
Lois told a lot of lies about her.
f) These programmes are based on a few real life story.
These programmes are based on a some real life stories.

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